One way of improving the bandwidth to 10-20% is to use parasitic patches, either in another layer (stacked geometry) or in the same layer (coplanar geometry). However, the stacked geometry has the disadvantage of increasing the thickness of the antenna while the coplanar geometry has the disadvantage of increasing the lateral size of the antenna. It would therefore be of considerable interest if a single-layer single-patch wideband microstrip antenna could be developed. Such an antenna would better preserve the thin profile characteristics and would not introduce grating lobe problems when used in an array environment.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
BW Enhancement Using Chip resistor loading
This method increases the bandwidth of the antenna by decreasing the quality factor. This method is used by itself or in conjunction with other methods in order to miniaturize the antenna also. Thus this method strives to achieve the two main goals for microstrip elements – bandwidth enhancement and miniaturization. Chip Resistor is basically a kind of low resistance short.
Three dimensional patches like V-shaped patch or wedge -shaped patch
Decreasing the quality factor of the microstrip antenna is also an effective way of increasing the antenna’s impedance bandwidth. In the former case, for feeding using a probe feed, a large reactance owing to the long probe pin in the thick substrate layer is usually a problem in achieving good impedance matching over a wide frequency range. To overcome this problem associated with probe-fed microstrip antennas, designs have been reported that bend the patch into a 3D V-shaped patch or the ground plane into an inverted V-shaped ground
BW enhancement Using Stacked Configuration or Parasitic Coupling
Stacked configurations are possible with aperture coupled feeding, proximity feeding and co-axial feeding. Probe feeding technique is re-emerging in variety of antenna system due to its robust nature. It provides good isolation between feed network and radiating elements and due to direct contact with the radiator reduces dielectric layer misalignment difficulties. It also yields good front to back ratio which is very important where multiple arrays are located back-to-back in closed proximity. Therefore stacked configurations with probe –fed have been considered. The combination of low dielectric constant and high dielectric constant can yield good impedance behavior. The broadest bandwidth can be achieved when the first-order mode on the lower patch is considerably greater in magnitude than corresponding mode on the top patch or in other words the top patch is loosely coupled. For this the substrate of lower patch should have higher dielectric constant than the upper substrate.

fig: Parasitically Coupled Coaxial fed Microstrip Antenna

Fig: Multilayer Stacked Configuration
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
BW Enhancement using Proximity Coupling
BW Enhancement by Impedance Matching Network
The method is unique in that it does not alter the radiating element itself. Instead, a reactive matching network is added to compensate for the rapid frequency variations of the input impedance. The validity of the technique is based upon the relative frequency insensitivity of the radiation pattern and gain characteristics as compared to the resonant behavior of the input impedance. Thus what happens is a matching network is so designed which alters its impedance in such a way that it acts as a parallel resonant circuit over a range of frequencies.
Fig:i) Basic form of impedance matching ii)Comparison of structure of impedance matched antenna and reference antenna
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Bandwidth enhancement of Microstrip Antennas
• Use of impedance matching network
• Multiple resonators arranged in stacked or co-planar structure
• Using lossy materials
• Reactive loading using U-shaped slot
• Capacitively probe-fed structure
• L-probe feeding
• Using thick foam substrate
• Using proximity-coupling
• Using a gap-coupled probe feed or a capacitively coupled feed
• Meandered ground plane
• Slot-loading
• Stacked shorted patch
• Feed modification
• Chip resistor loading
• Teardrop dipole in an open sleeve structure
• Using air substrates
• Using shorting posts between the patch and the ground plane
• Three dimensional patches like V-shaped patch or wedge -shaped patch
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Electromagnetic Simulation of Antennas
The dimensions and other calculated parameters(using MATLAB) are not sufficient to directly fabricate an antenna unless they are further simulated and tested. This is done to increase the efficiency of the design process as it reduces the number of costly manufacture-and-test cycles. The deviation of the actual results from the calculated values is due to many reasons
- Low accuracy of the model used to calculate the parameters.
- Assumptions taken for modeling the antenna on a certain model may not be valid under practical conditions.
- Neglecting certain parameters in he theoretical calculations for expediency may affect the characteristics.
- And finally to account for certain unforeseen conditions that might occur practically for which the theoretical model may not be sufficient, but rigorous simulators take this into account.
For planar antennas
1. IE3D is a full-wave, method-of-moments based electromagnetic simulator solving the current distribution on 3D and multilayer structures of general shape. It has been widely used in the design of MMICs, RFICs, LTCC circuits, microwave/millimeter-wave circuits, IC interconnects and packages, HTS circuits, patch antennas, wire antennas, and other RF/wireless antennas.
You can also request a 45 days evaluation version on the Zealand site.
2. Momentum is a 3-D planar electromagnetic (EM) simulator used for passive circuit analysis. It accepts arbitrary design geometries (including multi-layer structures) and accurately simulates complex EM effects including coupling and parasitics. Momentum works together with Agilent's Advanced Design System (ADS) to compute S-, Y-, and Z-parameters of general planar circuits. Microstrip, stripline, slotline, coplanar waveguide, and other circuit topologies can be analyzed quickly and accurately with Momentum. Vias that connect one layer to another can also be simulated; enabling design engineers to more fully and accurately simulate multilayer RF/MMIC's, printed circuit boards, hybrids, and Multi-Chip Modules (MCMs).
The simulator is based on the Method of Moments (MoM) technology that is particularly efficient for analyzing planar conductor and resistor geometries. It is designed to evaluate multi-layer planar geometries and generate EM accurate models that can then be used directly in ADS circuit simulators including Harmonic Balance, Convolution, and Circuit Envelope.
Circuit simulators must explicitly account for signal coupling and are also limited to designs that can be constructed only from available circuit models. The Momentum EM simulator overcomes the limitations of available models by implicitly accounting for signal coupling.
1. Ansoft HFSS (High Frequency Structure Simulator) is an integrated full-wave electromagnetic simulation and optimization package for analysis and design of 3-dimensional microstrip
antennas and high frequency printed circuits and digital circuits such as microwave and millimeter-wave integrated circuits (MMICs) and high speed printed circuit boards (PCBs). HFSS™ utilizes a 3D full-wave Finite Element Method (FEM) to compute the electrical behavior of high-frequency and high-speed components. With HFSS, engineers can extract parasitic parameters (S, Y, Z), visualize 3D electromagnetic fields (near- and far-field), and generate Full-Wave SPICE™ models to effectively evaluate signal quality, including transmission path losses, reflection loss due to impedance mismatches, parasitic coupling, and radiation.
2. CS Microwave Studio is a tool for the 3D EM simulation of high frequency components. Applications include typical MW&RF like in mobile communication, wireless design, but also increasingly signal integrity, and EMC/EMI.
CST promotes Complete Technology for 3D EM. Users of the software are given flexibility in tackling a wide application range through a variety of available solver technologies. Beside the flagship module, the broadly applicable Time Domain solver and the Frequency Domain solver which simulates on hexahedral as well as on tetrahedral grids, CST MWS offers further solver modules for specific applications. Filters for the import of specific CAD files and the extraction of SPICE parameters enhance design possibilities and save time. In addition, CST MWS is embedded in various industry standard workflows through the CST DESIGN ENVIRONMENT™.
3. Empire is a powerful and fast 3D electromagnetic field software based on 3D FINITE DIFFERENCE TIME DOMAIN METHOD which includes specially modified algorithms and methods for efficient utilization of multiple floating points and caches to achieve ultra fast solution times and excellent accuracy. Empire is 15 to 20 times faster than any other 3Dsimulation software on the market. The recently launched new GUI (GANYMEDE) offers new tools for easy construction and modification of the objects analyzed. The polygon editor, priority modelling modes and built in script allow very fast set up of solutions and modifications on the go without the necessity of restarting problems from scratch analysis of devices such as Helix antennas for example are analysed and optimized in minutes. Empire claims to be effectively faster than other relevant simulation software available in the market.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Matlab Patch Calculator GUI
In order to download this file please visit my project page at the Matlab Central File Exchange. And dont forget to leave your reviews and comments.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Cavity Model
When the microstrip patch is energized, a charge distribution is established on the upper and lower surfaces of the patch, as well as on the surface of the ground plane. The charge distribution is controlled by two mechanisms; an attractive and a repulsive mechanism. The attractive mechanism is between the corresponding opposite charges on the bottom side of the patch and the ground plane, which tends to maintain the charge concentration on the bottom of the patch. The repulsive mechanism is between the like charges on the bottom surface of the patch, which tends to push the charges from the bottom around its edges to the top surface of the patch.
E-plane pattern

Slot Conductance
Single slot conductance
Mutual Conductance
Where, J0 is the Bessel function of the first kind and order zero.
Characteristic impedance of microstrip line feed
For W0/h ≤ 1

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Transmission Line Model
The following effects are taken into account for this model:
Fringing Effects: As the dimensions of the patch are finite along the length and the width, the fields at the edges of the patch undergo fringing i.e. the field exists outside the dielectric thus causing a change in the effective dielectric constant. It is a function of the dimensions of the patch and the height of the substrate.

The above diagram shows a patch antenna from the Transmission Line Model perspective. We can observe the fringing at the edges increasing the effective length.

For an efficient radiator, a practical width that leads to good radiation efficiencies is,
Conductance: Each radiating slot is represented by a parallel equivalent admittance Y(with conductance G and susceptance B). The slots are labeled as Θ1 and Θ2. The equivalent admittance of a slot is given by,
Y1 = G1 + B1
Where for a slot of finite width (W)

Since both the slots are identical, its equivalent admittance is;
Y2= Y1, G2=G1, B2=B1
The conductance of each slot can be obtained by using field expression from cavity model. In general, the conductance is defined as
The above list of equations obtained from the transmission line model can be used to calculate parameters for analysis and synthesis of antenna. For these purposes, number of models may be used in conjunction with each other.
Design by Modelling
Analytical models are devised to provide an understanding of the operating principles that could be useful for a new design, for modifications to an existing design, and for the development of new antenna configurations. The objectives of antenna analysis are to predict the radiation characteristics such as radiation patterns, gain, polarization as well as near field characteristics such as input impedance, impedance bandwidth and antenna efficiency. The analysis of microstrip antennas is complicated by the presence of dielectric inhomogeneity, inhomogeneous boundary conditions, narrow frequency band characteristics, and a wide variety of feed, patch shapes and substrate configurations. Thus a trade-off is reached between the complexity and accuracy of the solution by compromising on one or more of the features.
The model chosen for analysis is a good one if it has the following characteristics.
- It can be used to calculate all impedance and radiation characteristics of the antenna under discussion.
- Its results are accurate enough for its intended purpose.
- It is as simple as possible, while providing the required accuracy for impedance and radiation properties.
- It lends itself to interpretation in terms of known physical phenomena.
Feeding Methods
A feedline is used to excite to radiate by direct or indirect contact. There are many different methods of feeding and four most popular methods are microstrip line feed, coaxial probe, aperture coupling and proximity coupling.
Microstrip line feed is one of the easier methods to fabricate as it is a just conducting strip connecting to the patch and therefore can be consider as extension of patch. It is simple to model and easy to match by controlling the inset position. However the disadvantage of this method is that as substrate thickness increases, surface wave and spurious feed radiation increases which limit the bandwidth.
Coaxial Feeding
- Narrow bandwidth
- Difficult to model specially for thick substrate
- Possess inherent asymmetries which generate higher order modes which produce cross-polarization radiation.

Aperture Coupling
- Allows independent optimization of feed mechanism element.

Proximity Coupling
Proximity coupling has the largest bandwidth, has low spurious radiation. However fabrication is difficult. Length of feeding stub and width-to-length ratio of patch is used to control the match.
Microstrip Antenna Configurations
Microstrip antennas are characterized by a large number of physical parameters as compared to conventional microwave antennas. They can be design to have varied geometrical shapes and sizes. They can be broadly divided into four main categories.
Microstrip or Printed Dipole Antenna
Microstrip Traveling Wave Antenna
Basic Concepts and Terminology
In this post I enlist some basic concepts and terminology involved in the domain of microstrip antennas. A proper comprehension of these concepts is imperative before any further deliberation on microstrip antennas.
A basic microstrip transmission lines consists of a conductive strip and a ground lane separated by a dielectric as shown in the figure below.
Fig: Single microstrip line
The figure above shows the general structure of microstrip line. The conduction strip, which is the microstrip line, has a width W, a thickness t. It is placed on the top of dielectric substrate, which has a relative dielectric constant â¬r, with a thickness of h, and a ground plane below on the substrste.
Fig: Rectangular Microstrip patch antenna
Monday, June 9, 2008
An Introduction to Microstrip Antennas
Robert (Bob) Eugene Munson is regarded as the father of practical microwave patch antennas. Although the patch antenna was first theorized by G. A. Deschamps in 1953, but it was not put to use for many years (by Munson), first on a datalink for Sidewinder missile, then on Sprintmissile's semi-active seeker.
So was it really Munson's genius or was he just in the right place at the right time??
The 1960s and 1970s witnessed
At this point of time. the height of the Cold War, Munson was a defense worker at Ball Aerospace. So Munson had just the right needs and facilities at his disposal for development of microstrip antennas, which the likes of Deschamps, Gutton and Baissinot were not able to take advantage of. These situational advantages apart it must have taken all of Munson's genius to make such outstanding progress in this field. Munson's name appears on many U.S patents, 29 at last count just on antennas. Today he's retired and living on a 160 acre vegetable farm outside Boulder. Financial benifits apart Munson's reputation in the field of microwave engineering exceeds all his contemporaries. The above information on Munson was obtained from the Microwave hall of fame, whereas a simple Google search on Deschamps hardly yielded any results.